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Scripture Passages and How They Relate to the Eucharist

 How do the scripture passages “The Last Supper” (Luke 22: 7-30) and On the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) relate to the Eucharist?

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci

 These two scripture passages are most commonly read during the Eucharist as they effectively convey the idea of this event. Both passages address Jesus' death and resurrection. During The Last Supper, Jesus instructed his disciples to prepare and share the Passover meal with him, as well as to remember Jesus for the sacrifice he had made (Luke 22:19). 

Jesus talking to his disciples on the Road to Emmaus

Jesus urged his disciples to do one thing on the Road to Emmaus: listen to him while he explains the scriptures that correspond to him. "Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" (Luke 24:26) demonstrates Jesus explaining the texts. These experiences were significant in Jesus' relationship with his disciples because he revealed his true nature, love, and mission to them, which increased their admiration for him. All of these scriptures explain the meaning and purpose of the Eucharist: to commemorate Jesus and his sacrifice.
