The bread and the wine are a representation of Jesus’ body and wine, and the cup from which he poured the wine became the covenant in his blood. By consuming the bread and wine during the Eucharist, you are not only remembering Jesus Christ, but your sins are being cleansed, and the Holy Spirit is entering your body, establishing good morals in a person’s mind.
The bread and wine also hold importance because they are fruits of hard work, they are made in monasteries, and are made in small batches, showing the hard work put in the Eucharist. The bread and wine can be presented in different ways during the Eucharist. Some examples include:
· The bread and wine are bought up the altar, by members of a church, usually a priest, representing the offering of the community to God.
· The priest blesses the bread and wine by reciting a prayer, asking God to send his Holy Spirit and turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
The priest says the
consecration words, repeating what Jesus said at the Last Supper: "This is
my body... This is my blood...". At this stage, the bread and wine,
despite their appearance, become the body and blood of Christ.
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