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Showing posts from October, 2023

Scripture Passages and How They Relate to the Eucharist

  How do the scripture passages “The Last Supper” (Luke 22: 7-30) and On the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35 ) relate to the Eucharist? The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci  These two scripture passages are most commonly read during the Eucharist as they effectively convey the idea of this event. Both passages address Jesus' death and resurrection. During The Last Supper, Jesus instructed his disciples to prepare and share the Passover meal with him, as well as to remember Jesus for the sacrifice he had made (Luke 22:19).  Jesus talking to his disciples on the Road to Emmaus Jesus urged his disciples to do one thing on the Road to Emmaus: listen to him while he explains the scriptures that correspond to him. "Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" (Luke 24:26) demonstrates Jesus explaining the texts. These experiences were significant in Jesus' relationship with his disciples because he revealed his true nature, love...

The Bread and Wine

  The bread and the wine are a representation of Jesus’ body and wine, and the cup from which he poured the wine became the covenant in his blood. By consuming the bread and wine during the Eucharist, you are not only remembering Jesus Christ, but your sins are being cleansed, and the Holy Spirit is entering your body, establishing good morals in a person’s mind.  An artistic portrayal of the Holy Spirit The bread and wine also hold importance because they are fruits of hard work, they are made in monasteries, and are made in small batches, showing the hard work put in the Eucharist. The bread and wine can be presented in different ways during the Eucharist. Some examples include: ·        The bread and wine are bought up the altar, by members of a church, usually a priest, representing the offering of the community to God. ·        The priest blesses the bread and wine by reciting a prayer, asking God to send his H...

The 'Real Presence' and How it Can Help Yr. 7s

  The 'Real Presence' is a Catholic belief in which Jesus is present at the Eucharist, not symbolically, but in a real, significant sense. This means that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ while still retaining the appearance of bread and wine. An image of Jesus Christ relating to the Eucharist, signifying the belief of the 'Real Presence' The 'Real Presence' can assist Year 7 students cultivate their relationship with Jesus and God, cleanse them of their sins, sustain their spiritual beliefs, and live out the benefits of the Eucharist so that they can become better people in their daily lives.

Personal Reflection

  This course about the Eucharist clearly shows the sacrifices that Jesus Christ made for humanity. Through this assignment, I have learned the significance of the Eucharist, and the effort that goes into preparing it. Somethings that I was surprised by was the ‘Real Presence’, and the fact that Christ is actually in the environment in which the Eucharist is held is both, surprising, and inspirational. I have also learned about the effort gone into preparing the Eucharist as I mentioned before, and how lots of the hardwork goes unnoticed. A priest holding up the bread during a mass To conclude, I believe and understand the significance of the Eucharist and the impact that it has on Christians. This important ritual serves as an important reminder of all the sacrifices Jesus made for us, and how we should celebrate and remember them.


Eucharist -  the Christian service, ceremony, or  sacrament   commemorating  the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are  consecrated  and  consumed . Disciples -  a personal follower of Christ during his life, especially one of the twelve Apostles. Holy Spirit -  (in Christianity) the third person of the Trinity; God as  spiritually   active in the world. Real Presence - the actual presence of Christ's body and blood in the Eucharistic elements. Consecration -  (in Christian belief) the action of declaring bread and wine to be or represent the body and blood of Christ. Bible -  the Christian  scriptures , consisting of the Old and New Testaments. Scriptures -  the sacred  writings  of Christianity contained in the Bible. Crucified -  put (someone) to death by  nailing  or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment. Passover -  the Jewish religious festival an...

Reference List A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.   (2015). The Eucharist | The Church of England . (2023). The Church of England.,this%20in%20remembrance%20of%20me. Eucharist | Definition, Symbols, Meaning, Significance, & Facts | Britannica. (2023). In  Encyclopædia Britannica . Catholic Australia . (2023). The Eucharist and the Mass | Catholics Come Home . (2023). The. (2023).  The Eucharist | Symbol, Etymology & Meaning - Video & Lesson Transcript | .